Events and Traditions
Montgomery by Moonlight
Spring Term kicks off with the late-night “Montgomery by Moonlight” marathon in the student center. From ice skating and bar trivia to karaoke, the all-nighter draws the entire campus and is a great opportunity to build community and launch a new academic term.
Converse Activities Board Events
Whether it’s coffeehouse-style comedians, musicians or spoken word poets, there’s always a fun way to take a break during the week thanks to our very active Converse Activities Board. Annual favorites are Open Mic Night, Casino Night, Movie on Back Campus and Spring Fling.
Trips and Excursions
Weekend trips range from apple picking or tubing in the mountains, catching a hockey or baseball game in Greenville, running the Cooper River Bridge or taking in a shopping and Citadel Football game in Charleston, or at 21+ St. Patty’s Overnight in Charlotte.
Valkyries Choice Awards
The Converse University Athletic Department holds an annual Valkyries Choice Awards, presenting awards to student-athletes, faculty and staff members.
Honor Pledge
Each student at Converse is asked to actively pledge allegiance to the Honor Tradition with the following pledge:
“I do solemnly pledge my honor that as long as I am a student at Converse University, I will faithfully uphold the principles of the Honor system, will cherish and guard its traditions, and will respect and observe its requirements. I make this pledge in view of the pledges of my fellow students, which signifies our mutual Trust and Resolve to keep our honor forever sacred.”
“I do solemnly pledge my honor that as long as I am a student at Converse University, I will faithfully uphold the principles of the Honor system, will cherish and guard its traditions, and will respect and observe its requirements. I make this pledge in view of the pledges of my fellow students, which signifies our mutual Trust and Resolve to keep our honor forever sacred.”
Each new student signs the Honor Pledge at a formal ceremony and this Pledge hangs in Wilson Hall during their experience at Converse.

Opening Convocation
This annual service officially opens the academic year with the entire Converse community in attendance. Following the service, the Converse family enjoys lunch on the front lawn.
Founder’s Day
Each spring, the Converse community joins together in the annual celebration of the birthday of Dexter Edgar Converse, the school’s founder.
Afterward, everyone enjoys a celebration on the college’s front lawn, including Dexter Converse’s favorite dessert, strawberries and cream.
Lessons & Carols
Festival of Lessons & Carols is an annual student-led tradition at Converse, and is a service of worship involving all segments of the local community. This beautiful event celebrates the holiday season with traditional Christmas carols and hymns, along with student-led scripture readings as part of the program. In addition to the Christmas trees on the Twichell stage, luminaries in memory or in honor of loved ones will line the front campus for the evening’s glow.
Winter Ball
Students, faculty and staff celebrate at this annual winter formal with a live band, dancing, drinks and hors d’oeuvres.
1889 Week
Every fall we commemorate Converse’s official founding year of 1889 and celebrate school spirit with a week full of competition and celebration. Classes band together, competing for the coveted 1889 Spirit Cup. In the process, worthy causes are served, creative muscles are flexed, and fun is had by all (even the professors!).
Hats On/Hats Off
Hats On/Hats Off are bookend events for the Senior class as they gather with faculty, staff and administration to kick off and end their Senior year, with food, drinks and ornate hats.
May Day
Scholarship, leadership, service and character. These are the criteria students consider when electing the May Court. This long-standing tradition has evolved from the May poles and ceremony of yesteryear to become a meaningful annual celebration at Converse.
Freshman Pinning
In celebration of becoming a member of the Converse family, Freshmen receive a Converse pin. The pin has the crest of the Converse family. This is the first official symbol given to students in honor of completing their first year of studies at Converse and it is presented by a Converse community member who has had an impact on the student during their first year.
Junior Ring Ceremony
During the spring of their Junior year, students are presented with their class ring by the president of Converse. Student leaders and alumni join students and their families at this pivotal event.
Juniors choose faculty sponsors to honor as a part of the ceremony.
Traditionally, while you are still a student, the ring is worn with the insignia facing yourself. Upon graduation, the insignia is turned outward, representing that you are ready to face the world.
The shape of the Converse ring is highly recognizable and connects generations of alumni.
CCW Sophomore Sisterhood Bracelet Ceremony
Sophomores in the Converse College for Women experience the beloved tradition of receiving bracelets inscribed with Converse’s core values. The bracelets serve as a beautiful reminder of the strength of the Converse network.
The Converse community gathers with families and friends of the graduating class in the most important event of the Converse academic year.
Life @ Converse
Your journey outside the classroom.